Economic Indicators: How to Interpret and Use Them for Investments

October 3, 2023

Investing in financial markets involves assessing various factors that can impact the performance and profitability of investment portfolios. Economic indicators stand out as invaluable instruments for investors among all these essential considerations. 

Understanding economic indicators

Economic indicators are statistics, data points, or metrics that provide information about various aspects of an economy's performance and health. Economists, policymakers, businesses, and investors use them to assess the current state of an economy, make informed decisions, and anticipate future trends. The indicators are also vital during business cycles when the economy moves from market crises (recessions) to economic growth (expansions).

Investors work with economic indicators to make informed investment decisions. For example, if an investor believes that the economy is slowing down, they may sell stocks and invest in bonds instead. Businesses also utilize indicators to decide about hiring, investment, and pricing.

Leading indicator and lagging indicator: exploring types of economic indicators

Economic indicators are categorized into several types based on the aspects of economic activity they measure. Each type provides unique insights into different facets of an economy.

Leading Indicators

Leading indicators are economic metrics that tend to change before the overall economy does. They are seen as early warning signs of economic trends. Investors use them to predict the future. An increase in building permits might indicate a future expansion in the construction industry, which can be a leading indicator of economic growth.

Lagging Indicators

Lagging indicators are metrics that change after the economy has already started shifting. They confirm or validate trends identified by leading indicators. Lagging indicators help economists and analysts assess the durability of current trends. Examples include the unemployment rate and corporate profits.

Coincident Indicators

Coincident indicators move in tandem with the overall economy. They provide a real-time snapshot of the economy. Investors use coincident indicators to gauge the current economic state. 

Composite Indicators

Composite indicators are aggregates of various individual indicators. They provide a broader view of the economy's health and offer a comprehensive assessment of different conditions, combining leading, lagging, and coincident indicators. The Conference Board's Leading Economic Index is an example of a composite indicator.

Real vs. Nominal Indicators

Real economic indicators provide a more accurate representation of changes in purchasing power. They help analysts understand whether changes in economic variables represent actual growth or are simply the result of rising prices. Examples of real indicators include real GDP and real income.

Primary vs. Secondary Indicators

Primary indicators are considered essential for assessing economic health. Secondary indicators provide additional insights but may not be as comprehensive or influential.

Government vs. Private Sector Indicators

Government-produced indicators are collected and published by government agencies like the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the Census Bureau. Private organizations and research institutions produce private organizations and research institutions. Both indicators offer valuable data, but they have different methodologies or focus areas. 

International Indicators

International economic indicators assess global economic conditions, including trade balances, currency exchange rates, and international commodity prices. These indicators are vital for understanding a country's position in the global economy and its trade relationships with other nations.

GDP and others: the most important economic indicators for investors

Here is an overview of some of the most сrucial economic indicators that investors should be aware of:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

GDP is one of the most important economic indicators and measures the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders. It reflects the size and growth rate of an economy. A rising GDP typically indicates economic growth, while a declining GDP may signal a contraction.

Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate indicates the percentage of the labor force that is jobless and actively seeking employment. A high unemployment rate suggests labor market weaknesses and potential economic challenges, while a low rate indicates a healthier job market.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The CPI measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a basket of goods and services. Rising CPI suggests increasing consumer prices, potentially eroding purchasing power.

Producer Price Index (PPI)

PPI tracks the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. It reflects inflationary pressures at the producer level, which can affect consumer prices later on. 

Retail Sales

Retail sales data indicate consumer spending patterns. Increasing retail sales signal robust consumer demand and economic growth, while declining sales may suggest economic challenges.

Industrial Production

Industrial production measures the total output of factories, mines, and utilities. It reflects economic activity in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Rising industrial production signs about economic expansion while declining production can signal contraction.

Housing Market Indicators

Housing market indicators include data on housing starts, building permits, home sales, and home prices. They provide insights into the real estate sector's health, which is essential because housing plays a significant role in consumer wealth and economic stability.

Is inflation an economic indicator

Inflation is itself an economic indicator because it can provide insights into several important economic factors, such as:

  • Economic growth. A low and stable rate of inflation is generally associated with economic growth. 
  • Consumers' purchasing power. Inflation can erode the purchasing power of consumers. 
  • Business costs. Inflation can increase the cost of doing business. 
  • Investor confidence. High inflation can lead to investor uncertainty and a decline in investment. 

Can a Single Leading Economic Indicator Predict Everything

It may sound very appealing, but unfortunately, there isn't a single definitive leading economic indicator that universally predicts the economy as a whole. The economy is a complex system influenced by numerous factors, including government policy, consumer spending, and business investment. So it is impossible to predict the future of the economy with certainty, and no single indicator can capture all the factors affecting economic growth.

How to interpret economic data

Interpreting economic indicators involves understanding the data provided by these indicators and analyzing them in the context of broader economic patterns and conditions. Common metrics used for analyzing economic indicators include:

  • Year-over-year growth: сomparing the current value of the indicator to its value one year ago.
  • Quarter-over-quarter growth: comparing the current value of the indicator to its value three months ago.
  • Rolling three-month average: averaging the values of the indicator for the current month and the previous two months.
  • Benchmark: comparing the current value of the indicator to a target value, such as the Federal Reserve’s 2% inflation target.

It is important to note that economic indicators should be interpreted in the context of other factors, such as the overall economic climate and government policy. For example, a high unemployment rate may be less concerning if the economy is growing rapidly and businesses are adding jobs.

Pros and Cons of economic indicators

Economic indicators play a crucial role in helping economists, policymakers, businesses, and investors assess the health of an economy and make informed decisions. Like any tool, they come with both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Provide insights into the current state of the economy. They help businesses and investors understand the current state of the economy and unemployment level.
  2. Predict the future. Economic indicators are also used to predict future economic trends.
  3. Inform public policy. Policymakers use indicators to inform public policy decisions. For instance, central banks use them to set interest rates.


  1. Imperfection. Economic indicators are not perfect. They are affected by various factors, such as changes in government policy, natural disasters, and geopolitical events. So none of them can predict the future with 100% accuracy.
  2. Complexity. They are complex and difficult to understand which is why it may be difficult for businesses and investors to use them effectively. 
  3. Time. Economic indicators are released on a monthly or quarterly basis. It means that they may not be timely enough to help businesses make decisions about the immediate future.

Using Economic Indicators in Investment Strategies

Investors can incorporate economic indicators into their investment strategies in many ways:

  1. To identify macroeconomic trends. Investors utilize economic indicators to identify macroeconomic trends, such as economic growth and unemployment. This information helps you make informed decisions about which asset classes and sectors to invest in. 
  2. To assess the performance of different economies. Managing economic indicators helps investors assess the performance of economies. For instance, if an investor is considering investing in a foreign country, they might look at the country's GDP, unemployment rate and to get a sense of the overall health of the economy.
  3. To time the market. Some investors try to time the market with the help of economic indicators. Using them, they try to predict when the stock price will go higher or lower. However, this is a difficult and risky strategy, as it is impossible to predict the future with certainty.
  4. To manage risk. Investors use economic indicators to manage risk by diversifying their portfolios across different asset classes and sectors. This means that if one asset class or sector underperforms, the losses can be offset by gains in other asset classes or sectors.

Let's consider an example. Interest rates have been rising in recent months in response to high inflation. As a result, many investors have been selling stocks and bonds, and moving their money into safer investments, such as cash and money market funds. In particular, in the United States, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates six times since March 2022. As a result, the S&P 500 stock index has fallen by about 20% over the same period. Some investors are buying stocks again, believing that the market has bottomed out and that interest rates are starting to peak. Nonetheless, other investors are still cautious, waiting to see if the indicator will continue to rise.