A Closer Look at Descriptive Statistics

May 3, 2023
Imagine you're conducting a survey to find out how many people prefer coffee over tea. You collect your data and start analyzing it. You find out that 60% of your respondents prefer coffee, and 40% prefer tea. But what does this really mean? Is it a significant difference or just a coincidence?

This is where descriptive statistics come in. Descriptive statistics is the branch of statistical analysis that focuses on summarizing and describing data rather than making inferences about a population from a sample. Descriptive statistics allows us to make sense of large amounts of data by providing simple measures that capture the main features of the data, such as the average or typical value, the spread, and the shape of the distribution. Keep reading to learn more.

Definition and Importance of Descriptive Statistics

At its core, statistics is all about deciphering the data and making sense of it. But when we are faced with large amounts of data, it can be overwhelming to try to make sense of it all. Luckily we have descriptive statistics tools to help us whenever we face such situations.

Descriptive statistics is a set of tools and techniques that allows us to summarize and describe data in a way that is easy to understand. By providing simple measures of central tendency, such as the mean, median, and mode, and measures of variability, such as the range and standard deviation, we can get a quick sense of what the data looks like and how it is spread out.

But why is this important? Well, descriptive statistics helps us make sense of data in a way that is accurate and efficient. Without descriptive statistics, we might spend hours or even days trying to sift through and analyze data manually, and even then, we might miss important patterns or insights.

Moreover, descriptive statistics is a powerful tool for communicating data to others. By presenting data in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner, such as with graphs or charts, we can convey complex information in a way that is accessible and meaningful to a wide range of audiences.

Overall, descriptive statistics is a crucial foundation for any research and data analysis. By providing simple and accurate summaries of data, descriptive statistics help us to identify patterns, trends, and outliers quickly and to communicate our findings in a way that is both accurate and accessible.

Types of Descriptive Statistics

Statistics is the mathematical analysis of data. Statistics could also refer to a body of knowledge that deals with data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of numerical information. One of the primary functions of statistics is to summarize the data in a meaningful way. Descriptive statistics is a type of statistical analysis that involves summarizing and presenting data in a way that is easy to understand.

Researchers and statisticians use several types of descriptive statistics to summarize and present data. This section of the article will explore each type of descriptive statistics, how they're used, and why they're essential.

  • Measures of Central Tendency

The measures of central tendency are a group of descriptive statistics that provide information about the central or typical values of a dataset. The commonly known measures of central tendency are the mean, mode and median.

The mean is calculated by adding up all the values in a dataset and dividing that sum by the total number of values in the dataset. The median is the middle number when all values in a dataset are sorted numerically. On the other hand, the mode is the value that appears most frequently among all values in the dataset.

These measures of central tendency are useful in determining the average value of a dataset. You can use the measures of central tendency to compare datasets and determine if there are any significant differences between them.

  • Measures of Variability

Measures of variability are a group of descriptive statistics that provide information about the spread or dispersion of a dataset. Variability in a dataset can be measured using the range, standard deviation and variance.

The range consists of the difference in the largest and smallest values in a dataset. The variance measures how much the values in a dataset differ from the mean. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance and provides a measure of the amount of dispersion or variability in the data.

These measures of variability are useful in determining how to spread out the values in a dataset. They are often used to compare the variability between two or more datasets.

  • Measures of Shape

Measures of shape are a group of descriptive statistics that provide information about the distribution of a dataset. Examples of common measures of shape are skewness and kurtosis.

Skewness is a statistical measure used to calculate the degree of asymmetry present in a dataset. A perfectly symmetrical dataset has a skewness of zero. Positive skewness means that the dataset is skewed to the right, while negative skewness means that the dataset is skewed to the left.

Kurtosis is a measure of the peakedness of a dataset. For instance, a normal distribution has no tail, which means that it has a kurtosis of zero. Positive kurtosis means the dataset has more values clustered around the mean than a normal distribution. In contrast, negative kurtosis means the dataset has fewer values clustered around the mean than a normal distribution.

These measures of shape are useful in determining the overall shape of a dataset. They are often used to determine if a dataset follows a normal distribution.

  • Percentiles

Percentiles are a type of descriptive statistics that provide information about the position of a value in a dataset relative to the other values. The most common percentiles are the quartiles and the median.

The quartiles are the values that divide a dataset into four equal parts. The median is the value that divides a dataset into two equal parts.

Percentiles are useful in determining the position of a value in a dataset relative to the other values. They are often used to compare the position of a value in one dataset to the position of a value in another dataset.

  • Correlation Coefficient

Correlation coefficients are numerical indicators that indicate how two variables are associated with one another. This helps to understand the relationship's strength and direction between them. It can range from -1 to +1, with positive numbers indicating strong positive relationships and negative numbers indicating strong negative relationships.

A correlation coefficient of +1 means there is a perfect positive relationship between two variables, while a -1 correlation coefficient indicates that there is a perfect negative relationship. When two variables have a correlation coefficient of 0, it indicates that there is no statistically observable relationship between the two.

The correlation coefficient is useful in determining if there is a relationship between two variables and the strength of that relationship. It is often used in research studies to determine the relationship between variables and to make predictions based on that relationship.

Overall, descriptive statistics play a vital role in summarizing and presenting data in a way that is easy to understand. By understanding the different types of descriptive statistics described above, researchers and statisticians can gain valuable insights into their data and make informed decisions in regard to their data.

Application of Descriptive Statistics in Real Life

Descriptive statistics may seem like a complex and technical subject. However, in reality, it has a wide range of practical applications in our everyday lives. In fields as diverse as business, healthcare, sports, and education, descriptive statistics can help us to make more informed decisions, track trends over time, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

In the field of business, descriptive statistics can be used to analyze sales data, customer feedback, and market trends. For example, a business might use measures of central tendency like the mean or median to get a better sense of its target audience and make more informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and product development. They might also use measures of variability, such as the standard deviation, to identify areas of the market that are particularly volatile or to track changes in customer preferences over time.

In healthcare, descriptive statistics can be used to analyze patient data, track disease outbreaks, and monitor the effectiveness of treatments. By identifying patterns and trends in large amounts of data, healthcare professionals can make more accurate diagnoses and improve patient outcomes. For example, a hospital might use descriptive statistics to track the success rate of a particular treatment over time or to identify which patients are most at risk for a particular disease.

In sports, descriptive statistics can be used to analyze player performance, track trends over time, and identify areas for improvement. By using measures of central tendency and variability, coaches and athletes can make more informed decisions about training and strategy. For example, a basketball team might use descriptive statistics to track the shooting percentage of each player over the course of a season or to identify which areas of the court a particular player is most effective in.

In education, descriptive statistics can be used to analyze student performance, track progress over time, and identify areas of weakness. By using measures of central tendency and variability, teachers and administrators can identify which students need additional support and tailor their teaching methods accordingly. For example, a school might use descriptive statistics to track the average test scores of different student groups.

Overall, descriptive statistics is a versatile and practical tool that has countless real-life applications. Descriptive statistics provide simple and accurate summaries of data, thus helping us to make more informed decisions, improve outcomes, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. Whether you're a business owner, a healthcare professional, a coach, or a teacher, understanding descriptive statistics is a crucial part of succeeding in your field.

The Limitations of Descriptive Statistics

Despite descriptive statistics being a powerful tool for analyzing and summarizing data, it is important to remember that it has certain limitations that can affect its usefulness in certain situations.

Descriptive statistics, for instance, can only provide a summary of the data that is available. This means that it may not be able to capture some nuances and complexities of the underlying data.

For example, say you are analyzing the average temperature in a city over the course of a year. While descriptive statistics can give you the mean, median, and range of temperatures, it does not have the ability to show the daily fluctuations and weather patterns that may be relevant to your analysis. Getting a complete weather analysis, in this case, would need the use of more advanced statistical techniques or additional data sources.

Descriptive statistics can also be heavily influenced by outliers. An outlier is an unusual observation in a dataset that does not fit into the overall pattern. Outliers are distinct from other values in the dataset and stand out from the rest of the values. If there are too many outliers in a data set, they can skew the results of the data analysis. This is particularly true when using measures of central tendency like the mean, which can be heavily influenced by outliers.

Moreover, the accuracy of descriptive statistics depends on both the quantity and quality of the data. If you have a small amount of data, your results might not be reliable. Similarly, if your data is flawed or incomplete, then it could lead to an incorrect analysis.


Descriptive statistics allows us to quickly and easily gain insights into large data sets and identify patterns and trends that might otherwise be difficult to discern. Despite a few limitations, as seen in the article, descriptive statistics is an extremely powerful and widely used tool for exploring datasets. By using descriptive statistics, we can make informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from data sets. It is important to combine the use of descriptive statistics tools with other analytical tools and techniques to get a complete picture of the data and overcome some of its limitations. Overall, descriptive statistics is an important part of any data analysis toolkit.