Advantages of Using Venture Capital to Raise Capital

July 27, 2023
Venture capital (VC) is a word used to refer to finance given to businesses and investors. Venture capitalists can provide financial support, technology competence, and administrative experience. VC can be supplied at many stages of development, but it is most commonly associated with early and seed round capital. Venture capital funds usually only accept certified investors and oversee pooled investments in rapidly expanding possibilities in ventures and other early-stage enterprises. After World War II, venture capital grew from a specialized activity into a complex business with various actors that played an essential role in stimulating innovation.

What is venture capital?

Venture capital (VC) is a type of private equity and a form of funding provided by financiers to start-ups and small firms that are thought to have sustainable growth potential. Wealthy shareholders, investment companies, and other financial organizations often provide venture money. Venture capital does not necessarily have to be monetary. In reality, it is frequently presented as technical or managerial competence. VC is often awarded to small businesses with outstanding growth prospects or those rapidly growing and ready to develop further.

The concept of venture capital

As previously stated, venture capital funds start-ups and small businesses that shareholders feel have significant growth potential. Private equity (PE) is a common type of financing, but it can also take the shape of knowledge, like technical or management experience.

VC transactions often entail forming substantial ownership stakes in a firm, which are then sold to a few traders via independent limited liability companies. Venture capital companies form these connections and may include grouping multiple related businesses.

Nevertheless, a critical distinction between venture capital and other private equity (PE) transactions is that venture capital focuses on new enterprises seeking significant funds for the first time. In contrast, PE focuses on larger, more mature businesses looking for a cash injection or the opportunity for entrepreneurs to transfer some of the shares they own.

Despite the risk, the prospect of above-average profits generally draws venture capitalists. For young enterprises or initiatives with little operating experience (less than two years), venture capital is becoming an established and necessary source of finance, particularly if they do not have a connection to financial markets, credit from banks, or other debt instruments. The most significant disadvantage is that stockholders typically receive shares in the firm and, consequently, a vote in corporate decisions.

The evolution of venture capital

Private equity encompasses venture capital. While the foundations of PE may be linked back to the nineteenth century, VC did not emerge as a sector until after World War II.

Georges Doriot, a professor at the Harvard Business School, is often regarded as the "Father of Venture Capital." In 1946, he founded the American Research and Development Corporation and funded $3.58 million to invest in firms that exploited WWII technologies.

The company invested in a business that hoped to employ X-ray technology to treat cancer. Doriot's $200,000 investment grew to $1.8 million when the industry went public in 1955.

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008

The 2007-2008 financial crisis influenced the venture capital business. Venture capitalists and various financial institutions, a vital source of finance for numerous new companies and small businesses, tightened their belts.

With the unicorn's publicization following the Great Recession's conclusion, circumstances evolved. A unicorn is a standalone start-up with a more than $1 billion valuation. These firms started to draw in a diversified group of traders looking for substantial profits in a low-interest-rate setting, notably sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and significant private equity firms. Their presence altered the venture capital environment.

Western growth

Although it was primarily backed by banks in the Northeast, VC became centered on the West Coast as the tech sector grew. Fairchild Semiconductor, founded by eight engineers (the "traitorous eight") of William Shockley's Semiconductor Laboratory, is often regarded as the first technology firm to attract venture capital backing. Sherman Fairchild from Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp., an east coast businessman, supported it.

Arthur Rock, a financial investment banker with Hayden, Stone & Co. in New York City, assisted in the transaction and later founded one of Silicon Valley's early venture capital firms. Davis & Rock funded some of the most potent technological businesses, like Intel and Apple. By 1992, the West Coast had received 48% of all investment funds, while the Northeast had received only 20%.

According to Pitchbook and the National Venture Capital Association, the predicament has not altered significantly. Throughout 2022, West Coast firms represented over 37% of all transactions (but only about 48% of transaction value), while the Mid-Atlantic area saw just about 24% of all agreements (and only about 18% of all deal worth).          

Regulations can be of assistance

A succession of regulatory changes helped to promote venture capital as a funding source:

·       The first was a modification to the Small Business Investment Act (SBIC) in 1958. It promoted the venture capital business by offering tax incentives to investors. The Revenue Act was revised in 1978 to lower the rate of capital profits tax from 49% to 28%.

·       The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was amended in 1979 to enable pension systems to invest up to 10% of their holdings in small or innovative firms. This action resulted in a surge of investments from wealthy pension funds.

·       In 1981, the capital profits tax was cut to 20%.

The three breakthroughs accelerated the rise of venture capital, and the 1980s became a boom time for venture capital, with financing rates exceeding $4.9 billion in 1987. The business was also thrown into sharp light during the dot-com boom, as venture capitalists sought quick profits from highly regarded online firms. Various projections place investment levels as substantial as $30 billion during that period. However, the expected rewards were not fulfilled as numerous publicly traded online businesses with high values went bankrupt.

The benefits and drawbacks of a venture capital

Venture capital funds new enterprises that lack access to stock exchanges and adequate cash flow to incur debt. This arrangement may be mutually advantageous since firms obtain the funding they need to get started, and investors get shares in potential enterprises.

A VC investment has additional advantages. VCs frequently give mentorship services to assist young firms in developing themselves and networks to assist them in acquiring talent and advisers. Significant VC support might be used to fund additional investments.

On the contrary, a company that takes VC funding may lose intellectual oversight of its future course. Venture capitalists are likely to seek a significant portion of the corporation's stock and may also begin to make demands on the management of the business. Many VCs are merely looking for a rapid, high-return payday and may pressure the firm to quit quickly.

Varieties of venture capital 

Venture capital may be generally classified based on the stage of development of the firm acquiring the investment. In general, the younger a firm is, the higher the risk for shareholders.

The phases of a venture capital investment are as follows:

·       Pre-Seed

The first stage of business creation is when the founders attempt to transform a concept into a solid business strategy. They might join an enterprise accelerator to have access to early finance and guidance.

·       Seed funding

This refers to the stage at which a new company aims to market its first product. Because there are no income sources presently, the firm will require venture capital to support all of its activities.

·       Early-stage funding

After a company has produced an item, it will require extra funds to ramp up manufacturing and sales before becoming self-sufficient. The company will then require one or more investment rounds, which are commonly marked progressively as Series A, Series B, and so on.

Angel financiers vs. venture capital

High net-worth individuals (HNWIs), called angel investors and venture capital firms, typically contribute venture money to small enterprises or growing enterprises in new industries. The National Venture Capital Association is an association made up of numerous venture capital corporations that provide funding for creative businesses.

Angel financiers are often a broad set of people who have accumulated riches via several means. They are, nevertheless, primarily businesspeople or recently decamped managers from company empires they have founded.

Several significant traits are shared by self-made investors that provide VC. Most prefer to invest in well-managed businesses with well-developed business plans and positioned for considerable development. These financiers are also inclined to offer to support enterprises in the same or associated sectors or business areas they are familiar with. They may have gotten academic training in that field without working in it.

Co-investing is another prevalent practice among angel investors, in which one angel investor invests a company with a trusted friend or partner, generally another angel investor.

The process of VC

The initial phase for every company seeking venture money is to submit a business plan to a venture capital company or an angel financier. Suppose the company or shareholder has an interest in the proposal. In that case, it must then do due diligence, which involves a detailed analysis of the company's business strategy, goods, administration, and operational background.

This context research is critical because venture capital tends to spend bigger sums in fewer businesses. Most venture capitalists have prior investment expertise, frequently as equities research analysts, while others hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA). VC professionals also prefer to specialize in a particular sector. A healthcare venture investor, for example, may have previously worked as a healthcare sector analyst.

Following the completion of due diligence, the business or financier will promise funds in return for shares in the company. These monies may be paid simultaneously, although they are most commonly distributed in rounds. Before releasing more money, the business or investor takes an active role in the financed firm, offering guidance and tracking its growth.

Following a given period, often four to six years following the initial investment, the investor departs the firm through acquisition, a merger, or an initial public offering (IPO).

Trends in Venture Capital

·       Silicon Valley's Expansion

Because of the industry's closeness to Silicon Valley, most venture capitalists invest in the technology sector—computer hardware, internet, healthcare, services, and mobile and telecommunications. However, VC money has also aided other businesses. Examples include Staples (SPLS) and Starbucks (SBUX), which got venture capital.

VC is no longer the exclusive domain of large corporations. Institutional financiers and well-known corporations have also joined the fray. Google and Intel, for instance, have separate venture funds to invest in developing technology. In addition, Starbucks created a $100 million venture fund in 2019 to invest in food entrepreneurs.

VC has evolved with a rise in average transaction size and the involvement of more institutional participants in the mix. Today's sector includes diverse companies and investor types who invest in various phases of a start-up's development based on risk tolerance.

·       Recent developments

According to NVCA and PitchBook statistics, 2022 was a year of highs and lows for the venture capital business. The industry's total momentum continued in 2021. However, it was primarily concentrated in the first two quarters. VC activity in the fourth quarter was 25% of what it was in the first. The venture capital sector raised around $160 billion for the whole year.

The report's impetus was primarily fueled by the zero-to-low interest rate environment that followed the COVID-19 outbreak and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Silicon Valley Bank was among the first institutional investors to support entrepreneurs, notably in the technology industry. It was prevalent among venture capitalists, who used the bank to store their funds. However, rising interest rates resulted in decreased deposits by supporters, leading the industry's winds to shift. Customers withdrew their funds when the bank announced a $2 billion loss on selling an investment portfolio. On March 12, the FDIC came in to take over.


Venture capital is an essential aspect of the lifespan of a new firm. A firm must have adequate start-up cash to recruit personnel, rent facilities, and begin product development before it can begin producing income. VCs give this investment to compensate for a stake in the new company's stock.