Capital market line

July 27, 2023
Portfolios striking the best balance between risk and return are represented by the capital market line (CML). The capital market line is a particular instance of CAL in which the risk portfolio is the market portfolio. The market portfolio's Sharpe ratio may be calculated as the slope of the CML. The optimal portfolio, also known as the tangency portfolio, would be located at the intersection of CML and the efficient frontier. Purchasing the asset in question is generally advisable if the Sharpe ratio is higher than the capital market line.

What is the capital market line?

A straight line known as the capital market line (CML) shows the correlation between portfolio risk and return. The CML is based on the idea that investors always try to maximize their profits. It helps make the critical return versus risk graph. The capital market line is calculated using the CAPM. An investor may calculate their potential return on investment by adding the risk-free rate to their anticipated rate of return. The CML facilitates finding the portfolio with the greatest expected return for a given risk. Using CML, investors may assess a particular investment's potential benefits and dangers. The capital market line is used to identify the optimum portfolio, defined as the portfolio with the best-projected return at a certain level of risk.

The concept of the capital market line

The capital market line graphically shows a risk and return connection for capital market assets. Traders utilize the capital market line to find the optimum portfolio, which generates the maximum return for a certain amount of risk.

The CML can determine a portfolio's projected return. A risk-free rate, beta, and forecasted market return are all plugged in to achieve this. A security's beta may also be determined with the help of the CML. The volatility or risk of an investment relative to the market is measured by its beta. If the market volatility is 1, the security's beta is 1; if it is 2, the security's beta is 2. An investment with a beta of 0.5 is 50% less volatile than the market.

The formula and calculation of the capital market line

The formula for the CML is as follows:

ERp = Rf + SDp * (ERm – Rf) / SDm

The CML can calculate the optimal portfolio, representing the portfolio with the best-projected return for a given amount of risk. To decide on an optimal portfolio, investors should go for one on the CML with the greatest predicted return for a certain degree of risk. The CML is a hypothetical instrument that may not always represent current market realities. The CML is based on the premise that all traders are rational and want to maximize their profits. In practice, this may not always be the case. The CML is only one tool traders may use to determine the best portfolio. When deciding on an investment, there are several more things to consider. So, consult an investment manager to help you make the appropriate choice.

Information that can be obtained from the CML

Portfolios on the capital market line (CML) are thought to perform best because they balance risk and reward. The CAL is an investor's personalized allocation of safe assets and high-yielding investments.

The CAL becomes a particular case when the risk portfolio is the market portfolio, as in CML. The market portfolio's Sharpe ratio may be calculated as the slope of the CML. The main rule is to purchase assets when the Sharpe ratio is higher than the CML and to liquidate them when it falls below the CML. The typical efficient frontier does not contain risk-free investments; however, this is not true with CML. The optimal portfolio, or the tangency portfolio, would be located at the intersection of the capital market line and the efficient frontier.

Harry Markowitz and James Tobin laid the groundwork for modern mean-variance analysis. By 1952, Markowitz had discovered the efficient frontier of optimum portfolios, and by 1958, James Tobin had added the risk-free rate to the current portfolio theory. William Sharpe invented the CAPM in the 1960s; he was later awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics with Harry Markowitz and Merton Miller in 1990.

The CAPM, capital asset pricing model, is the line that links the risk-free rate of return and the point of tangency on the efficient frontier of optimum portfolios that provide the greatest anticipated return for a given level of risk or the lowest risk for a given level of expected return. This line represents the optimal portfolios regarding the trade-off between anticipated returns and variance (risk). The market portfolio, the best mix of risky assets, lies on the tangent. Every shareholder will choose portfolios that sit on the CML if the presumptions of mean-variance analysis hold: that investors strive to maximize their anticipated return for a given level of variance risk and that there is a risk-free rate of return.

As stated by Tobin's separation theorem, determining the market portfolio and the market portfolio and the risk-free asset optimal merging are two different tasks. Based on their comfort level with risk, shareholders will either hold the risk-free asset or a hybrid of the risk-free asset and the market portfolio.

Total portfolio risk and return rise as a shareholder increases the CML. Conservative investors will choose portfolios relatively close to the risk-free asset because they value minimal volatility above more significant profits. Portfolios located higher on the CML have a higher anticipated return but a more significant variation, which is why they appeal to investors with a lower risk tolerance. They may invest more than 100% of their investable funds in the risky market portfolio by borrowing money at a risk-free rate, thereby raising their projected return and risk beyond that given by the market portfolio.

The capital market theory

The capital market theory employs a wide variety of mathematical models in an attempt to explain the Capital Markets' fluctuation through time. In Capital Market Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model is the workhorse. The goal of the theory of capital markets is asset pricing. Investors and investment managers use many of the models under this theory to assess market risk and predict future returns.

Capital market theory presumptions

The CML relies on many critical assumptions from the field of capital market theory.

1.     The presence of frictionless marketplaces is taken for granted in theory. Investors are presumed able to deal in the market efficiently and pay no extra expenses. In this context, no transaction fees nor taxes are incurred.

2.     No short sale restrictions Borrowing securities and then selling them, hoping their value would fall, is known as "short selling." According to the capital markets theory, the proceeds from short sales may be used for any purpose.

3.     Financial logicians Investors, it is presumed under the Capital Markets Theory, weigh the potential benefits against the potential costs before making a final decision. It presumes that investors are intelligent and make calculated judgments. ·     

4.     Portfolio returns are expected to be uniformly high across all investors. All investors will arrive at the same efficient frontier if they use the same three parameters from the portfolio model to forecast future returns. Because the risk-free asset will not change, all investors naturally gravitate toward the tangency point representing the Market Portfolio.

Comparison of the capital market line with the security market line

The CML is occasionally misunderstood as the SML (security market line). The CML is the basis for the SML. A portfolio's return rates may be seen in the CML, whereas the market's risk and return as a whole can be seen in the SML, which also displays the predicted returns of particular assets. The standard deviation of returns (total risk) is used to quantify uncertainty in the CML, whereas systematic risk, measured by beta, is used in the SML.

The CML and the SML will both be plotted by reasonably priced securities. Securities that exhibit a plot above either the CML or the SML are underpriced because they produce excess returns relative to the level of risk they entail. If a security plots below the CML or the SML, it is overvalued because its rewards are not commensurate with the level of risk involved.

Contrasting the CML with the capital allocation line (CAL)

The CAL is an investor's personalized allocation of safe assets and high-yielding investments. The CAL becomes a special case when the risk portfolio is the market portfolio, as in CML. Overall portfolio risk and rewards rise as an investor climbs the CML. Conservative investors will choose portfolios relatively close to the risk-free asset because they value minimal volatility above more significant profits. Portfolios located higher on the CML have a higher anticipated return but a more significant variation, which is why they appeal to investors with a lower risk tolerance.

Is the efficient frontier similar to the CML?

The typical efficient frontier does not contain risk-free investments; this is not true with the capital market line. There is a set of optimal investment portfolios, known as the efficient frontier, that maximize anticipated return within a given risk profile. The optimal portfolio, also called the tangency portfolio, would be located at the intersection of the capital market line and the efficient frontier.

Importance of the capital market line

1.     The CML's ability to identify the best portfolio is a significant reason for its significance. The optimum portfolio is the one that maximizes return on investment (ROI) while accepting an acceptable degree of risk.

2.     The CML is consistent with the CAPM. Therefore, this approach is often used to determine the value of various assets.

3.     Investors may utilize the CML and other tools to discover the best portfolio. When deciding where to put your money, there are numerous more considerations. There is a lot to consider, from expected rates of return to the standard deviation of those rates.

4.     It is also essential to separate risky investments from safe ones. Get in touch with your asset managers for advice if you need to.

The drawbacks of the capital market line

1.     Uncertainty due to some assumptions The notion of the CML relies on several presumptions. However, in practice, these presumptions are often disproven. The markets, for instance, are not perfectly efficient. Expenses are incurred in connection with the dealings. Not only that, but most investors are irrational. They tend to make choices based on how they feel rather than logic. 

2.     Unlimited borrowing and lending at a risk-free rate In theory, investors should have unrestricted access to borrowing and lending at a risk-free rate. In practice, however, investors often pay a greater interest rate to borrow than they earn on loans they make. The leveraged portfolio's risk rises as measured by its standard deviation.

3.     Investors are responsible for paying any taxes and transaction charges, which may vary depending on the investor's tax status and the investment location.

4.     The variation in investors worldwide Realistically, not every investor can understand what they need to know to make a sound financial investment. CML also assumes that all investors act rationally, which is not always true.


The capital market line is based on the capital asset pricing model and the capital markets theory. It is a theoretical illustration of how a risk-free asset and a market portfolio might be combined to achieve a target Sharpe Ratio. Due to its exclusive focus on high-risk assets and market portfolios, it outperforms the efficient frontier. Combining these two market portfolios is what the CML does. The portfolio's risk and projected return rise as we progress along the capital market line. As we proceed downward down the CML, the risk and anticipated return diminish. The CML formula allows us to calculate the anticipated return of a portfolio given just its standard deviation. Analysts often use it to estimate the rate of return warranted by a given level of portfolio risk. Capital market theory assumptions provide the basis for the CML. However, in practice, these presumptions often fall short of the mark.