ROE Explained with Examples

May 3, 2023
There are many metrics to take into account when investing. Few, though, are as crucial as Return on Equity (ROE). By assessing how much profit a firm makes in relation to its equity, ROE, a financial term, gauges its profitability. In other words, return on equity assesses how successfully a business produces profits by utilizing shareholder equity. Investors frequently use ROE, a crucial indicator of a company's financial health, to assess a company's potential for development and profitability. Having a solid understanding of ROE and its calculation can help in more informed investment decisions. In this article, we will examine the nuances of ROE, talk about how it's used to assess businesses, and examine why it's such a crucial financial metric for investors to take into account.

What is ROE?

Return on Equity, or ROE, is a financial metric that assesses how much profit a firm makes in comparison to its equity to determine its profitability. Simply put, ROE gauges how well a business utilizes shareholder equity to produce profits. The ratio of return on equity (ROE), which is derived by dividing net income by shareholders' equity, is then expressed as a percentage. Equity is the residual value of a company's assets after deducting its liabilities and represents the ownership interest that shareholders have in the company. Investors frequently use ROE, a crucial indicator of a company's financial health, to assess a company's potential for development and profitability. Investors can identify businesses with high potential for profitability and make more educated investment decisions by understanding ROE and how it is calculated.

ROE has a long history that dates back to the early 20th century and has become a popular financial statistic throughout time. The 1934 publication of Benjamin Graham's book "Security Analysis" contains one of the early references to ROE. Since then, investors, analysts, and financial institutions all over the world have been using ROE as a metric to assess a company's profitability. The usage of ROE as a metric has changed along with the financial world, with new tools and methods being created to improve and enhance its use as a measure of profitability.

How to Calculate ROE

We have already seen that ROE is calculated by dividing a company's net income by its shareholder's equity, and the resulting number is expressed as a percentage. To compute ROE, you must first determine a company's net income and shareholder equity in order to compute ROE.

Below are examples of how to calculate ROE in practical scenarios.

Let's say a company has a net income of $500,000 and a shareholder's equity of $2,000,000. To calculate the ROE, we divide the net income by the shareholder's equity and multiply by 100 to get a percentage:

ROE = (Net Income / Shareholder's Equity) x 100

ROE = ($500,000 / $2,000,000) x 100

ROE = 25%

In another example, a company has a net income of $1,000,000 and a shareholder's equity of $5,000,000. To calculate the ROE, we follow the same formula as in scenario 1:

ROE = (Net Income / Shareholder's Equity) x 100

ROE = ($1,000,000 / $5,000,000) x 100

ROE = 20%

In both scenarios above, we use the formula Shareholder's Equity = Total Assets - Total Liabilities to calculate the shareholder's equity of the company.

Assuming that in example 1, the company had total assets of $5,000,000 and total liabilities of $3,000,000, then,

Shareholder's Equity = $5,000,000 - $3,000,000 Shareholder's Equity = $2,000,000

In example 2, let's say that the company has total assets of $8,000,000 and total liabilities of $3,000,000.

In this case, the shareholder's equity would be:

Shareholder's Equity = $8,000,000 - $3,000,000 Shareholder's Equity = $5,000,000

Once we know how to calculate the ROE, we can go on to see how we could utilize the metric.

Investors use ROE as a critical indicator to assess a company's profitability and financial stability. A high ROE shows that a business is producing a significant return on the shareholders' equity. On the other hand, a low ROE could mean that a business is having operational difficulties or is not making the most use of its shareholders' equity.

In addition to evaluating a company's profitability, ROE can also be used to compare companies within the same industry. Investors can use ROE, for instance, to compare two businesses operating in the same sector and decide which one is producing a higher return on equity.

Moreover, ROE can be utilized to spot potential warning signs in a company's financials. For instance, a company with a deteriorating ROE over a number of years may be unable to manage its business properly or may be up against fierce competition. On the other hand, a company with a continuously high ROE may be well-managed and possess a long-lasting competitive advantage.

Factors Affecting ROE

The ROE of a corporation can be impacted by a number of variables, including debt, taxes, and asset turnover. In order to make wise investment decisions, investors must understand how these components function because they can have a big impact on a company's profitability.


One of the key elements that can impact a company's ROE is debt. When a business takes on debt, it can boost its return on equity by investing the borrowed money in ventures that bring in more money than it costs to borrow it. However, if a business takes on too much debt, it may become over-leveraged and find it difficult to make debt payments. As a result, its profitability may suffer, which will ultimately impact its ROE.


Taxes are another important factor that can affect a company's ROE. A lower ROE can result from a lower net income for a corporation due to a higher tax rate. In contrast, a lower tax rate can raise a business's net income and raise its ROE. To see how taxes impact ROE, let us assume that we have Company A and Company B, both in the same industry, having similar levels of revenue and similar levels of shareholder equity. However, Company A is headquartered in a country with a higher corporate tax rate than Company B. Due to the higher tax rate, Company A's net income is lower than Company B's net income, even though both companies have similar revenue levels. As a result, Company A has a lower ROE than Company B.

However, if the government were to lower the corporate tax rate in Company A's country, it would reduce the tax burden on Company A, which would increase its net income. This would ultimately boost Company A's ROE, potentially making it more attractive to investors. Conversely, if the government were to increase the corporate tax rate in Company B's country, it would increase the tax burden on Company B, which would reduce its net income. This would ultimately lower Company B's ROE, potentially making it less attractive to investors.

Asset turnover

Another important element that might affect a company's ROE is asset turnover. Asset turnover gauges how effectively a business generates revenue from its assets. A company's profitability and ROE may rise if it has a high asset turnover rate because it suggests it is making more money per dollar of assets. On the other hand, a company's profitability and ROE may suffer if it has a low asset turnover rate, which indicates that its assets are not being used as effectively.

Practical Applications of ROE

Return on equity is a financial term that is frequently employed in many industries to assess the profitability and financial stability of a company. Let's explore more closely a few real-world uses of ROE in various disciplines and industries:

  • Finance and Investing. Before making an investment choice, investors use ROE as a key indicator to assess a company's financial health. Investors can learn more about a company's profitability, management performance, and potential hazards by looking at its ROE. They can then apply this knowledge to make wise financial choices.
  • Banking and Financial Services. ROE is a crucial indicator in the banking and financial services sector since it aids in the assessment of the profitability and financial stability of banks and financial institutions. ROE is a tool that banks can use to evaluate their risk exposure and pinpoint possible opportunities for development. This static can also be used to determine which banks and financial institutions are producing the best returns on shareholder equity.
  • Corporate Finance. ROE is also employed in corporate finance to assess the profitability of a company's investments. This indicator can be used by businesses to assess if an investment is producing enough returns for shareholders and whether it is worthwhile to keep investing in that sector.
  • Management and Strategy. Management teams can assess their own efficacy and set financial goals for the organization using ROE. Management can pinpoint possible areas for development and establish objectives to boost profitability by examining the company's ROE.
  • Accounting. ROE is a crucial statistic that is employed in financial statement analysis to assess a company's financial standing. ROE can be used by accountants to evaluate a company's profitability, managerial efficiency, and potential dangers. They can then utilize this data to create financial reports and offer management advice.

Limitations of ROE

While return on equity (ROE) is a widely used financial metric for evaluating a company's profitability and financial health, it is important to note that there are limitations to its usefulness. Below are some of the limitations of ROE.

  • Limited focus. ROE only takes into account a company's profitability in relation to shareholder equity. It does not consider other important factors, such as the company's debt levels, liquidity, or cash flow. Therefore, it may not provide a complete picture of a company's financial health.
  • Industry-specific. Different industries may have different benchmarks for what is considered a "good" ROE. For example, a technology company may have a higher ROE than a utility company due to its business model, but this does not necessarily mean that the technology company is a better investment. Investors need to look beyond just the numerical value of ROE and consider other factors, such as the industry dynamics, the company's growth potential, and its competitive position in the market. Therefore, it's important to compare a company's ROE to its peers in the same industry when analyzing its profitability. This may be more effective in determining a company's investment potential.
  • Susceptible to manipulation. Companies can manipulate their ROE by using accounting techniques such as stock buybacks or changing their capital structure. For example, a company may repurchase its own shares, which can increase its ROE by reducing the amount of shareholder equity. Additionally, a company may change its capital structure by taking on more debt, which can increase its return on equity but also increase its financial risk. These techniques may make the company appear more profitable than it actually is and can mislead investors who rely solely on ROE when making investment decisions. Therefore, investors need to be cautious when analyzing a company's ROE and consider other factors as well.
  • Historical perspective. ROE is a backward-looking metric that only considers a company's past performance. It does not provide any indication of future performance and, therefore, should not be the sole factor used while making investment decisions.
  • Lack of context. ROE does not take into account external factors such as the overall economic climate, changes in regulations, or shifts in consumer behavior. Therefore, the metric may not provide a complete picture of a company's financial health in the current market conditions.


In conclusion, return on equity (ROE) is a useful financial metric for investors to evaluate a company's profitability and management effectiveness. ROE gauges how much net income is produced for every dollar invested by shareholders and shows how effectively a business is using its assets to produce profits. However, investors should be mindful of the limits of ROE, including its vulnerability to manipulation and the influence of benchmarks that are specialized to a given industry. When making investment decisions, additional aspects like a company's financial stability, competitive position, and growth prospects should also be taken into account. Investors can gain a more comprehensive understanding of a company's financial performance and make wise investment decisions by using ROE in conjunction with other financial measurements and research tools.