U.S. Dollar index (USD Index)

May 3, 2023
The U.S. Dollar Index (USDX) evaluates the worth of the U.S. dollar to a composite of six foreign currencies. They include; The Japanese yen, Swiss franc, Euro, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, and British pound. The index was established with an initial value of 100 shortly after the Bretton Woods Agreement dissolution in 1973; values have been relative to this base. The index's value is a good indicator of the dollar's value in worldwide markets.

What is the U.S Dollar index?

The USDX is an evaluation of the worth of the U.S. dollar to a couple of foreign currencies. Following the breakdown of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1973, the U.S. Federal Reserve introduced the USDX. It is presently managed by ICE Data Indices, an Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) subsidiary.

The USDX includes six currencies typically referred to as America's most important commercial partners, although the index has only been revised once; in 1999, when the euro replaced the Dutch guilder, German mark, French franc, Belgian franc and Italian lira. As a result, the index may not correctly reflect current U.S. commerce.

Perceiving the concept of the USD index

The USD index is presently computed using the conversion rates of 6 foreign currencies: The Japanese yen (JPY), the euro (EUR), the Swedish krona (SEK), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the Swiss franc (CHF), and the British pound (GBP). The euro is certainly the most significant element of the index, accounting for 57.6% of the basket. The remaining currencies in the index are weighted as follows: GBP (11.9%), CAD (9.1%), JPY (13.6%), CHF (3.6%), and SEK (4.2%).

The index was initiated in 1973 with an initial value of 100, and all subsequent values are in reference to this base. It was formed shortly after the Bretton Woods Agreement was terminated. As part of the contract, participant countries cleared their balances in U.S. dollars (the reserve currency), with the USD fully convertible to gold at $35 per ounce.

Issues about currency exchange rates and their relationship to gold pricing arose due to the USD's overvaluation. President Richard Nixon resolved to suspend the gold standard temporarily, allowing other countries to pick any exchange deal other than the price of gold. Many foreign countries elected to let their currency rates float in 1973, thereby ending the pact.

The history of the USD index (USDX)

Throughout its history, the U.S. Dollar Index has grown and fallen dramatically. It achieved an all-time high of almost 165 in 1984. It reached an all-time low of roughly 70 in 2007. The U.S. dollar index has remained rather range-bound during the many previous years, ranging between 90 and 110.

The index is influenced by macroeconomic variables such as foreign currencies, dollar inflation and deflation, and downturns and economic development in the nations included in the similar basket.

The basket of currencies has only changed once since the index's inception. The euro replaced numerous European currencies previously included in the index, including Germany's precursor currency, the Deutschemark, in 1999.

The currency will most likely change in the future as the index attempts to reflect important U.S. trading partners. Because China and Mexico are key trading partners with the United States, currencies such as the Chinese yuan (CNY) and Mexican peso (MXN) are anticipated to supersede other currencies in the index. The USDX has a set weighting method based on 1973 exchange rates, which substantially favors the euro. As a result, we anticipate the fund to make significant changes in reaction.

Interpretation of the USD index

A value of 120 indicates that the U.S. dollar has risen 20% vs a set of currencies throughout the period under consideration. If the USDX rises, the U.S. dollar gains strength or value relative to other currencies. Similarly, if the index is presently at 80, decreasing 20 from its starting value, it has depreciated by 20%. The consequences of appreciation and depreciation are influenced by the period in question.

Trading the USD index

The U.S. dollar index enables traders to track the USD's value against a basket of selected currencies in a single trade. It also helps them to protect their stakes against potential dollar threats. On the USDX, futures and options strategies can be implemented.

These financial instruments are currently traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Investors can use it to protect against broad currency movements or speculation. It can also be obtained indirectly through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or mutual funds.

For example, the Invesco D.B. U.S. Dollar Index Bullish Fund (UUP) is an ETF that monitors the worth of the U.S. dollar using USDX subsequent contracts. The Wisdom Tree Bloomberg U.S. Dollar Bullish Fund (USDU) is an actively managed exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in the U.S. dollar versus a basket of developed and developing market currencies. Invesco D.B. also provides the U.S. Dollar Index Bearish Fund (UDN), which shorts the dollar and profits when it falls in value.

Calculation of the USD index price

The USDX comprises a set of six currencies with varying values, as seen before.  The index is essentially the weighted average of U.S. dollar exchange rates against these currencies, adjusted by an indexing factor (50.1435).

USDX = 50.14348112 × EURUSD^-0.576 × USDJPY^0.136 × GBPUSD^-0.119 × USDCAD^0.091 × USDSEK^0.042 × USDCHF^0.036

Relevance of the USD index

The U.S. Dollar Index is essential for investors because it is both a market in its own right and a measure of the U.S. Dollar's relative strength throughout the world. It may be used in technical evaluation to confirm patterns in, among other markets, which include:

  • Commodities priced in U.S. dollars. Commodity prices typically drop (on a theoretical basis) as the value of the U.S. dollar rises and, conversely, rise when the value of the U.S. dollar declines.
  • Currency pairings that involve the U.S. Dollar (for example, those used to compute the index's value). Currency pairs, on the contrary, tend to move in the same direction as the Dollar Index when USD is the base currency and in the other direction when USD is the quote currency; however, these 'laws' are not always followed.
  • Indexes and stocks. The situation is more convoluted for stocks and indices. At the same time, U.S. exporters would normally find that their exports are less competitive globally when the dollar is strong and more competitive when it is weak - with their share values frequently fluctuating to reflect fluctuations in the dollar's value.

Factors affecting the USD index

Five major elements determine the U.S. dollar exchange rate. These include economic performance, currency supply and demand, inflation, and geo-political issues. More of them are discussed further below.

  • Demand and supply of currency

The U.S. dollar has frequently been employed as an economic benchmark. When a government applies set exchange rates for its official currency to that of a foreign nation, in this example, the U.S. dollar, this is referred to as a fixed exchange rate policy. Ecuador, Puerto Rico, and Zimbabwe are among the countries that utilize the U.S. dollar as a means of exchange.

The widespread adoption of the U.S. dollar as a dominant currency enhances its demand, making it the world's reserve currency because most countries utilize it in global commodity commerce. Central banks and big financial institutions hold reserve currencies for international transactions and to mitigate exchange rate concerns. However, several alternative currencies have challenged the U.S. dollar's standing as a reserve currency. These are the euro, Japanese yen, British pound sterling, and minor reserve currencies such as the Canadian and Australian dollars. Despite their limited proportion of the reserve currency market, alternative currencies are gradually eroding the U.S. dollar's supremacy. They may have a detrimental influence on the potential demand for this currency.

  • Inflation

Inflation is the rate at which the national currency loses its economic value over time. A weak currency raises the cost of imports, causing inflation to rise. This would put more strain on the U.S. economy, which is already coping with increasing prices and may restrict consumer borrowing.

The government usually raises the federal fund's target rate, which causes short-term interest rates to climb. As the quantity of money is restricted, the cost of borrowing rises, increasing the economy's wealth. However, it discourages people and companies from taking out loans, urging them to invest and possibly generate high interest.

  • Moves in the federal funds rate

The federal funds rate is the overnight interest rate at which financial institutions lend surplus reserves to one another. The Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee (FOMC) determines the target rate, which functions as the base interest rate to limit the supply of cash in the United States.

Financial institutions' regulations in the United States mandate that a specified proportion of total deposits be maintained in reserves. This helps to ensure the bank's fiscal health and viability. Financial institutions can find themselves in surplus or deficient of the needed daily resources in a constantly evolving environment. When reserves are depleted, banks seek overnight loans from other financial institutions. When banks have surplus liquidity, they will lend to competitors.

The federal funds rate influences inflation, short- and long-term interest rates, and foreign currency exchange rates, and it is used to regulate these expenses. The greater the federal funds rate, the costlier it will be to repay bank loans, house loans or mortgages, and credit cards.

Aside from its impact on other interest rates, the federal funds rate also acts as the basic interest rate for controlling the quantity of money in the U.S. economy. When there is an increased demand for the U.S. dollar, which commonly occurs when the currency is in limited supply, its monetary value rises. When the federal funds rate increases, the cost of borrowing rises, which raises the economy's profitability while simultaneously helping to bring inflation down.

  • State of the U.S. Economy

When the U.S. economy grows effectively, the dollar's value rises. The U.S. dollar has shown its durability after the Covid-19 outbreak, regaining its previous splendor when interest rates rose faster than in other major countries. Interest rate increases frequently appeal to international investors since they improve returns when investing in the U.S. currency.

The contrary would be true if the U.S. dollar's value fell due to poor economic performance. A significantly deflated dollar would have a detrimental impact on the world's economies. And, if the U.S. dollar decreases in value, other international currencies, such as those of the Eurozone, China, and Japan, will also decline in value because their economies rely largely on exports.

  • Geo-political instability

When the risk of geo-political instability rises, investors seek to shift their capital into more secure, stable currencies that can withstand the storm better. There are numerous of these currencies across the world, including the U.S. dollar.

The continuing Ukraine-Russia crisis has also contributed to the U.S. dollar's supremacy as traders sought a safer refuge and a more dynamic market. The U.S. dollar price has kept rising since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine earlier in the year. This preceded the U.S. dollar's depreciation against important currencies like the euro and pound sterling during the inaugural year of the Covid-19 epidemic. Other primary currencies include the Japanese yen, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona, and Swiss franc.

The U.S. dollar increased by 12% compared to the euro, 9% against the pound, and 16% versus the yen in the twelve months leading up to June 2022. The dollar's weighted average value compared to the world's six primary currencies had increased by 9% since February, reaching a 20-year high in mid-May. The market's projections are that the dollar will achieve equal status with the euro by the end of 2022.


The USDX is a relative measure of the strength of the U.S. dollar (USD) versus a basket of six significant currencies, including the Pound, Euro, Swiss Franc, Swedish Korner, Yen and Canadian Dollar. The index was established in 1973, yet it is still helpful today. The USDX may be used as a measure of the state of the U.S. economy, and investors can use it to make predictions on the dollar's value fluctuation or as a form of protection against other currency risks.